Camperoo Helps You Discover Camps And Activities For Your Kids


camperooCamperoo is a marketplace for children’s activities and summer camps.  Browsing the hundreds of listings on Camperoo is free for parents and kids.  Activities and camps can be searched by age group, location, category, and availability.  Camperoo is based in Houston, Texas.  There’s also listings for Austin, Dallas, Chicago, San Francisco Bay Area, and other locations.

Summer Camps And Children’s Activities

Listings on Camperoo are sorted into three primary categories: sports camps, academic camps, and creative camps.  Sports camps include activities like soccer, kickboxing, and equestrian horseback riding.  Game design, Maya 3D animation, and robotics are a few types of academic camps.  Cartoon drawing, learning a musical instrument, and acting are some options for creative activities.  Reviews can also be shared on the Camperoo website about experiences with the camps and activities.

Enjoy Your Summer

Planning multiple activities is easy with Camperoo’s free scheduler utility.  They also provide a free Camperoo Concierge service for suggestions and help managing your kid’s summer itinerary.  Camps and activity providers can list their services on Camperoo, which gives the camps a bigger audience of potential customers.  Summer is just beginning.  Be sure to make the most of it.  There’s lots of things for kids to do for fitness, learning, or just to have some fun.

Have a great summer!

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