Big Data is Big Business

Oracle IBM EMC Semantics3 Zillabyte Citus Data Mixpanel Chartio Leftronic GinzaMetrics Consider the companies selling big data products: Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, EMC.  Generally speaking, big data refers to extremely large volumes of unstructured data.  Such data is also called “dark data“, because it results in missed opportunities when not put to immediate use.  Problem is not [...]

Paul Graham On Bloomberg TV

Y Combinator PG David Hornik August Capital Airbnb Dropbox Paul Graham keeps showing up on Bloomberg TV.  Yesterday, Emily Chang of Bloomberg West did an interview with PG about billion-dollar startup valuations.  He was on there for about fifteen minutes with David Hornik of August Capital.  The take-aways from that interview are:  Y Combinator’s total value [...]

Airbnb: Infrastructure for Holiday Cards

Airbnb Airbnb’s engineering blog has a thorough posting about how Airbnb created its “Holiday Cards” application.  The objective of Airbnb Holiday Cards was to “let guests and hosts email greeting cards to one another, with custom art from our awesome designers and a personalized message from the sender about their experience.”  The challenges with the [...]