Big Data is Big Business

Oracle IBM EMC Semantics3 Zillabyte Citus Data Mixpanel Chartio Leftronic GinzaMetrics Consider the companies selling big data products: Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, EMC.  Generally speaking, big data refers to extremely large volumes of unstructured data.  Such data is also called “dark data“, because it results in missed opportunities when not put to immediate use.  Problem is not [...]

MYO Armband: Unleash Your Inner Jedi

Thalmic Labs Thalmic Labs is a startup in YC’s current batch.  Demo Day is still a few weeks away, but Thalmic Labs’ MYO Armband has already gotten buzz from press like Engadget, Wired, and NewScientist.  MYO (rhymes with Leo) gets its name from the Greek “myos”, meaning “muscle”.  Wearing the one-size-fits-all armband allows gesture control of your computer or [...]

Moon Jellyfish

Jellyfish Art AnyVivo Jellyfish Art, from YCW12, sells moon jellyfish, jellyfish tanks, and jellyfish tank accessories.  They also have a Twitter account.  Alex Andon began Jellyfish Art based on his research catching jellyfish and building aquariums while finishing his B.S. in Biology and Environmental Science at Duke University.  Moon jellyfish require special tanks because they are mostly water.  The [...]

Hacker Monthly: Hacker News in Print

Hacker Monthly Hacker News Netizens Media Mondo 2000 Wired Hacker Monthly takes the top voted articles on Hacker News each month and puts them together in magazine format, available in both digital download and print versions.  They also have a Twitter account.  The magazine is a product of Netizens Media, “an indie web production company… [...]

About Y Combinator Universe

Mission Statement seeks to be the most comprehensive unofficial collection of useful information about Y Combinator, Y Combinator funded companies, and the Y Combinator “process” from pre-application through beyond “Demo Day”. Vision For This Website This website exists for many reasons. For example, founders can use this website to: research original innovative ideas, prevent [...]

About Y Combinator

What is Y Combinator According to Wikipedia: Y Combinator is an American seed-stage startup funding firm, started in March 2005. Y Combinator provides seed money, advice, and connections at two 3-month programs per year. In exchange, they take an average of about 6% of the company’s equity. Compared to other startup funds, Y Combinator itself [...]